VCJPA provides coverage to members for bodily injury and property damage to third parties as well as public officials’ errors and omissions. VCJPA retains a $1 million limit of coverage per occurrence and purchases excess coverage through the California Affiliated Risk Management Authorities (CARMA), a risk sharing joint powers authority. Claims are administered by Sedgwick.
Contact Litigation Management
Employment practices liability coverage is an option for members. Coverage up to $25,000 is provided by the VCJPA, and coverage excess of $25,000 is provided through VCJPA’s participation in the Employment Risk Management Authority (ERMA). ERMA is a statewide joint powers authority providing broad employment practices liability coverage and tailored loss prevention services. Loss prevention services include live and online training workshops, an anonymous employee reporting line, and an attorney hotline for employers.
Access ERMA WebsiteVCJPA provides members with coverage for employer’s liability and workers’ compensation losses incurred under the State of California Workers’ Compensation Laws and Statutes. Coverage limits of $500,000 for employer’s liability and statutory for workers’ compensation are provided through a combination of self-insured and group purchased coverage. VCJPA is a member of the Local Agency Workers’ Compensation Excess Joint Powers Authority (LAWCX), a risk sharing joint powers authority, for excess coverage.
Contact AIMSThis all-risk program covers the members’ buildings, contents, contractor’s equipment, and vehicles parked on the members’ premises (if declared). The program also provides boiler and machinery (aka equipment breakdown), cyber liability, and pollution liability coverage. The coverage is provided through a combination of self-insurance and group purchased insurance. The group purchased insurance is obtained through the Alliant Property Insurance Program (APIP). Each district has a $500 deductible per loss, and claims are handled through Sedgwick.
Report a ClaimThis fully self-insured program provides for the repair or actual cash value of district owned, leased, or rented (for less than 30 days) vehicles, trailers, and watercraft. The limit of coverage is $35,000 unless additional limits for specific covered items have been requested. Each district has a $1,000 deductible per occurrence. Claims are administered by Sedgwick.
Report a ClaimBusiness Travel Accident
This is an optional group purchased insurance providing Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage for business related travel. Coverage is provided for designated individuals on file with the VCJPA as provided by the member districts. The limit of coverage is $150,000 and there is no deductible.
Alliant Crime Insurance Program (ACIP)
This optional group purchased insurance provides coverage for loss of money, securities, or other property resulting from the dishonest acts of an employee or volunteer or failure of a covered employee or volunteer to perform duties as prescribed by law. Coverage is also provided for losses caused by third parties such as theft of money or securities, loss due to forgery of checks and other instruments, acceptance of counterfeit currency, and fraudulent funds transfers. Limits of coverage are available from $1 million to $10 million with deductible options of $2,500 or $25,000.
Obtain QuoteEmployee Assistance Program (EAP)
The districts have the option of purchasing this benefit for their employees through the VCJPA’s contract with SimpleTherapy. The benefit provides clinical, short-term counseling for employees and members of their household as well as life management services and wellness programs. For districts purchasing the benefit, employees can access the full EAP website by using the program code found on your EAP materials. Districts can also contact us for the code.
SimpleTherapy Website